Friday, 20 August 2010
Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Jade is trying to teach the group a new dance. She will have further opportunities to teach other disciples to dance before the Lord when she leads a group of 14 people from Mount Pleasant Baptist church, Barry all of whom have signed up to take part in the Masterlife Discipleship training course in September.
Some people have already asked to be included in a Masterlife group this Autumn. If you are interested in joining the group which will run between September and Easter 2011 then have a chat with Ruth or Steve who will be happy to talk about the course with you.
"The course helped me through a natural progression in my faith. I felt that as new situations and questions came up, Masterlife was able to answer them. It was as if the course was written for me and acted like a personal coach, confirming and affirming my thoughts and feelings"
"It has made me appreciate what faith actually is and how this is cemented through being a part of the church. My expectations of what God wants for me and what I can actually give have changed along with my desire to be part of, and to see, His Kingdom realised on earth".
"Masterlife has helped me to know the importance of spending time each day with God. We have covered a lot of different subjects, which has helped me understand and live out what it is to be a disciple. It has helped me to get to know the people in my group too. I feel like I know God better by looking at how I am as a Christian and what a disciple should be like. It has really helped me be disciplined as a disciple".
"Masterlife has really helped me to grow closer to God and have more of a relationship with him through reading my Bible, praying and discovering where he is calling me at the moment. I have really enjoyed having fellowship in my group which has helped me be more confident and open with people. Masterlife has given me the base tools that I know I will keep growing in and has encouraged me to witness more to the people around me. Even though I still struggle with different things I am more aware of them now and can work on them in God's strength. Masterlife has grown me, made me more disciplined and prepared for my future ministries".
Tuesday, 10 August 2010

At the end of each Masterlife Discipleship course, the group leaders spend a day away in prayer. The purpose of the day is to pray about each person that has just completed the course ahead of meeting with them individually so that they can talk about Spiritual giftings and possible opportunities for Ministry and Mission within the church at Dinas Powys and beyond. The hope is to be able then to help the disciple explore areas of ministry and set some goals for the year ahead.
Steve, Ruth & Gi were at Llangasty last week and despite the drizzle had a lovely day there and a great lunch. Llangasty really is a great place to visit, a christian centre, situated just off the A40 Brecon to Abergavenny road, with plenty of room to pray together or to roam around on your own. Outside the main building are lovely garden areas, patio overlooking Llangorse lake which you can walk down to and which has a lovely quiet church to sit in as well.
The centre hold open days on which you can just go along and take your own sandwiches and perhaps make a small donation to the work or you can arrange to go for the whole day (10am - 4pm) during which a lovely 2 course lunch is supplied (cost £16).
If you are looking for somewhere to have a day of prayer and get away from the home distractions, then I would strongly recommend Llangasty. The one picture above does not do the place justice, but when you arrive at Llangasty and look out across the wide open lake to the hills beyond you find yourself straight into the Psalms, a good place to start on any day of prayer.
You can find more about the centre at their website http://www.llangasty.com/ or you can ring them at 01874 658250.
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
Don't forget that this coming Sunday, 8th August we will be having 5 baptisms straight after the morning service. The baptisms will be held at Hebron pool and everyone is invited to stay for a buffet lunch afterwards.
The five people getting baptised on this occasion are : Daffydd Griffiths, Carl Long, Nathan Richards, Sammi Dean & Peter Dewey.
Please do come and support this lovely group of people as they commit themselves further to Jesus by going through the waters of Baptism.
Don't forget that this coming Sunday, 8th August we will be having 5 baptisms straight after the morning service. The baptisms will be held at Hebron pool and everyone is invited to stay for a buffet lunch afterwards.
The five people getting baptised on this occasion are : Daffydd Griffiths, Carl Long, Nathan Richards, Sammi Dean & Peter Dewey.
Please do come and support this lovely group of people as they commit themselves further to Jesus by going through the waters of Baptism.
If you recall we set a new caption competition a couple of weeks ago based around what you think may have been said between David & Jono in the attached picture. The closing date is coming up soon. So if you fancy your chances at a winning entry then get you suggestions into me by e-mail at dpbcsec@tiscali.co.uk
Entries should be marked "July Caption competition". The closing date for entries is this coming Sunday, 8th August.
There will be a prize for the funniest entry.
Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Here we all are just after being commissioned by the Church as CAP MONEY COACHES and we are excited about what is in front of us, especially about presenting our course to people in the community.
We have all seen the misery and broken relationships that have been partly or wholly caused by debt and this is just one way that we can get alongside people and not only do something practical to help them help themselves but also to share the news that Jesus loves them.
It is a command of Jesus to love your neighbour, to help the poor, to support the oppressed and we would appreciate your prayer support to help us all to go out and do that.
We would also love you to come along to one of the weekday evening groups during September/October to do the course for yourself, so that you can tell others about it. You need not be afraid that you will have to share your personal financial stories or your individual budget with anyone - that can be kept entirely to yourselves. However, many people have found that by following the CAP MONEY plan they can confirm that they already have their finances in good order and have even found that by slightly adjusting their budgets, they can save more and have more give away.
Composed by: Ruth Tugwell
Monday House Group in Barry: 6th September, 13th September & 20th September
Coaches: Jon and Sarah.
Tuesday House Group at David & Mally's: 28th September, 5th October & 12th October
Coaches: Elizabeth and Sue.
Wednesday House Group at Amanda & Steve's: 8th September, 15th September & 22nd September
Coaches: Brian and Michelle.
Thursday House Group at Paul & Claire-Marie's: 23rd September, 30th September & 17th October.
Coaches: Ruth and Tony.
Monday, 26 July 2010
Angela is found relaxing in her garden, holding a bouquet of flowers, a gift from all at GY2K.
A big THANK YOU to Angela, from everyone at GY2K, for all her hard work over the past 3yrs as coordinator for the Sunday morning children's groups. Angela was most touched by the messages contained in the card, which was signed by all the teachers and helpers from the various groups.
Angela will not be able to sit still enjoying the sunshine for too long as she will be continuing as an infant group leader in September and has also volunteered to help with one of the summer group sessions during the August holiday club.
Friday, 16 July 2010
DPBC Caption Competition for July.
We have a new caption competition for you.
The photograph above was taken at the recent Soul in Dinas "Thank you meal" for teachers and school staff from the three local primary schools.
This picture shows our wonderful Chef, David Humphries in a possible conversation with his assistant for the evening, Jonathan (Jono) Davies. You may want to enlarge the picture by clicking upon it just to see the expression on Jono's face.
Blogger says : Jono looks a bit bemused as Chef David says to him "So what does Delia say we should do next with these potatoes", OR, can you come up with something better and funnier.
Entries should be by e-mail to dpbcsec@tiscali.co.uk and should be marked "July Caption competition". The closing date for entries is Sunday 8th August.
There will be a prize for the funniest entry chosen by blogger.
DPBC Caption Competition
Last month we invited entries for a caption competition around a photograph taken at the "Guide to the Gospels" evening at Hebron Hall. The picture shows Karen & Mark talking during the evening and captions were invited concerning what was being said.
The winner is Paul West who thought that Karen has just said to Mark "Would you help organise the Ghana Fun Day again next year". Mark then looks into the distance with a quiet smile of contemplation.
Our winning entry was supplied by Paul West who is pictured receiving his prize, a box of Roses chocolates. As you can see from the photograph there is a new competition emerging as Rebecca and Moses compete to try and relieve dad of his prize.
Thursday, 15 July 2010

Blogger has just received the letter printed below from one of the Street Pastor Team regarding an incident that occurred recently in Cardiff.
Hi there!!
I'm a Street Pastor in Newport, we often get told by people that
they have met the team out in Cardiff and how great they were, but i was specifically asked by someone on Saturday night to pass on their thanks to the Cardiff guys!!
We were seeked out by a girl who said that your team had really helped her boyfriend the previous week as he was in a very bad way and thought to have been spiked/date raped, you guys took him back to the church and then ensured he got home OK. The girl and her boyfriend were very very appreciative of everything that was done for them and wanted us to pass this on to those who had helped!!
So please if you could can you let this be known to those who were about that night!
Thanks and God Bless
Please pray :-
(1) Pray for the Street Pastors as they walk the streets of Cardiff each Friday and Saturday night.
(2)Praise God for the contacts they are making with people on those streets and for the responses that are taking place.
(3) Pray for those from our fellowship that are involved in this team (see previous blog entry on "Cardiff Street Pastors" for details).
(4) Pray that as the teams come alongside those in need the love of God will be evident to all (Matthew 5:14-16).
Tuesday, 6 July 2010

I have just received a letter from Maurice Jones (co-founder of Victory Outreach UK alongside his sister Dinah). Maurice has worked faithfully within Victory Outreach since it started and has brought young men to visit us one many occasions. The letter is an open letter to all those who support Victory Outreach, it is extremely moving and challenging. Please read, it moved me to tears of gratitude for the Love of God that just pours from the words.
Dear Friends,
This is one of the saddest letters that I have ever had to write. For over 40 years it has been my privilege to do the administration for David & Dinah in the call that God gave them, back in the 1960's to help the lost and the homeless and provide Christian "family" homes for them. Then, when Victory Outreach UK was founded 26 years ago I became the treasurer too, and more recently it has been my pleasure to help Pastor Richard and his wife Jill as they have taken over as Directors and expanded further the work on the Ministry.
But now, at almost 80 and not keeping well, the time has come when I must step down from any official position. I don't like the words "retire" and "resign" but I am sorry I have to resign because I cannot go on doing what I was doing and I must pass the baton on.
However the work in the Ministry will continue, the needs in the prisons, the daily requests for help, lost souls needing Jesus. The call is greater & more urgent than it ever was. Please I want you to stand behind Pastor Richard and Jill and every member of the wonderful Victory Outreach UK staff.
Over the past years thousands have responded to the call, but there are many thousands more in need today. I want to thank you personally, these have been the happiest years of my life, difficult often, but so rewarding and I believe that the best is yet to come.
Please continue to support this Ministry. You are such an important part of the body of it all - young men and young ladies in prison cells will hear about Jesus and find true salvation because of your faithfulness. I want to say a huge thank you to You for all that You have done for Victory Outreach UK and I want to genuinely thank you for all that you have done for me personally. Please don't change anything because of my being unable to do what I did do. General Booth of the Salvation Army in the last ever speech said "While there is still a lad in a prison cell, while there is still a homeless girl on the streets I'll fight on...." let us echo these words and say "We will fight on.........." Pastor Richard's motto is "Making a difference, one life at a time".
If you wish to contact Pastor Richard, or send any gifts, or application forms, please contact the office at Abertillery. All Bankers orders and gift aid forms already done for Victory Outreach UK remain unchanged and need no alteration.
In closing may I say this is not "Goodbye" this is the opening of a different, but tremendously important and challenging new chapter. Words seem so inadequate to express my heart to you and to thank you for all that you have been to me over the years, to thank David & Dinah for answering the call of God, to thank Pastor Richard and Jill for "taking up the baton" and going ever forward. Finally, over and above all, I want to thank God for everything that HE has done for me personally, and for all that HE is doing for this - HIS Ministry - Victory Outreach UK. I could never count the many, many times when we have had to pray and HE has ALWAYS been there to hear our cry. TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY!!! What a privilege to know that HE cares and HE will never forsake us - no not ever. Thank you in Jesus' name.
I will be praying for you.
God bless you all.
(We thank God for Maurice. He is an amazing servant of God and has served so faithfully for so many years, a wonderful example to us all. Please do pray for Maurice that he will have many years of good health and continue to serve God in various ways, which it is his desire to be able to do).
Monday, 5 July 2010

'Forbidden fruit creates many jams.',
Lust: desiring something in our hearts that we cannot have.
We can have desires for many things but when that desire is for something or someone forbidden it is lust.
Our hearts can lead us astray. Yes it’s true;
Proverbs 28:26 says “He who trusts in his own heart is a fool”
Jeremiah 7:23-24 says: “But this is what I commanded them saying ‘Obey My voice and I shall be your God and you shall be My people. And walk in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well with you. Yet they did not obey or incline their ear but followed the counsels and dictates of their evil hearts and went backward and not forward”
We are new creations in Christ Jesus but this example from Jeremiah is good for us to learn from.
God’s guidance is for our good, v23“... that it may be well with you”
Lust is very dangerous. Firstly, in our hearts and thoughts, and sometimes results in dominating our behaviour. Then if desire is worked out in our life through our choices it will destroy and steal from us and others. Families and relationships can be destroyed, people crushed, trust lost, our own bodies damaged, hurt deep down within us, our witness voided and the hurt that comes from knowing we messed up and sinned against God.
John 10:10, Jesus says: “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.”
Ask the lord to help you know truth in your inward parts (Psalm 51:6).
Ask Him for the truth of the situation you find yourself in. Our desires can fog the truth.
Think about what you are thinking about. (Proverbs 23:7)
Be very careful your thoughts do not lead you astray but take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ(2 Corinthians 3:5).
Composed by : Jade Jordan
Monday, 28 June 2010

MONDAY 23rd - SUNDAY 30th AUGUST 2010
Dinas Powys Community council have invited Soul in Dinas to carry out a wonderful community project as part of this years Summer action week.
The War memorial located on the Twyn, Dinas Powys village is in need of cleaning. This is a major job and has to be done professionally as the memorial is a listed monument.
However the Community Council clerk, Mr Mike Goodfellow, has asked SID if it could clean the surrounding stone pillar stumps and paint the black metal chain links that run around sections of the memorial. Depending on how long those jobs take there will also be opportunities to carry out other maintenance work on the Twyn as directed by the local council.
This provides a wonderful opportunity for SID; working at the very centre of the community on a project that will provide a focus that symbolically allows us to thank those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, thereby allowing us the freedoms we enjoy today.

Serving Christ in the community - Serving the community for Christ.
Thursday 1st July - CHURCH MEMBERS please note that we will be holding the church AGM at Potters Dining room, Hebron Hall at 7:30pm on Thursday 1st July. Please make every effort to attend.
Sunday 4th July - During our time of worship together we will launch our new church initiative "C.A.P. Money" (There will be an article all about C.A.P. "Churches against Poverty" on next week's blog). Our visiting speaker is from C.A.P. and during the service we will be commissioning our C.A.P. team.
Sunday 11th July - Our quarterly Evangelistic service takes place this week. We are fortunate to have with us Phillip Duek from Holland Road Baptist church, Hove who is part of the Rhonnda Mission Team. This is a great opportunity to invite those who do not yet know Jesus to come along and hear the Gospel. Invitation cards are available in church, please take some and pray about who you can invite along.
Saturday 17th July - The Church fellowship (that means you) are invited to come and witness the Marriage of Sophie Chandler to Luke Moreno at Tabernacle Baptist church, Penarth. The service is at 12pm. There is a further invitation to stay after the ceremony to meet with the happy couple over drinks and canapes downstairs in Tabs. Please do come and support this lovely young couple as they set out on life's great adventure together.
Friday 16th July until Sunday 18th July - "BGT 2010" (Big God Tent at Penarth Clifftops). I huge selection of events taking place on Penarth Clifftop from Friday evening through to Sunday night. For full information have a look at the website http://www.bgtpenarth.co.uk/ A Summary of events include a Friday evening when Richard Taylor who will be speaking at 7:30pm. Later there will be a discussion forum where the talk will be about "What can the stars tell us about the God debate" (10pm). Saturday starts with a big breakfast at 8am, speaker Richard Taylor. Events during the day include kids club, youth cafe, family cycle ride, evening with worship and another trip around the stars. Sunday includes a traditional Fete (12:30pm - 4:30pm) a forum discussing "What has the church ever done for us", followed by a Songs of Praise event. The weekend concludes with a worship and teaching finale between 7:30 & 9:00pm.
Tuesday, 22 June 2010

As part of the Soul in Dinas programme for this year we invited the teachers and school staff from the three local primary schools (St. Andrews primary, Dinas Powys infants & Murch Junior) to an evening meal at Hebron Hall.
The purpose of the invitation was to say thank you to the three schools who both educate and take such good care of the children from this community. We wanted to be able to say that we truly love, value and appreciate everyone who work in the schools; and all that they do to make this village a better place to grow up in and be a part of.
A total of 54 teachers and support staff came along last evening (21st June) all dressed up for fine dining. The wonderful catering staff provided a sumptuous three course meal which was served at table by a highly trained group (Pat's ladies) of servers from the various churches across Dinas Powys.
After the meal there was a bit of fun with a quiz, the picture round for which the teams on each table had been looking at whilst eating and chatting. All the teams did really well in that round, but they all struggled with picture two. Some realising that he looked like a politician (whatever it is that a politician may look like) and so guessed for a half mark that it was the new Secretary of state for Education, (but sorry Mr Gove, nobody got your name). It was thought that one of the teams may have got the name but when the quiz master threatened detention and confiscation of any phones that had been googling, the answer was quickly withdrawn.
The quiz was a lot of fun and got quite competitive, but controversy came at the end as the team which contained the head teachers from all three schools were adjudged to have come last (sorry I mean 7th). It was only after the results were announced that it was discovered that our commander of the score boards Matt Lewis - who regularly goes into the schools to speak in classes, had in fact counted the head teachers scores up incorrectly (He's no Carol Vorderman) losing them 10pts in the process. With the scores amended and the head teachers credibility restored (they eventually came 3rd) the winning team were awarded a big box of what the ambassador likes to spoil his guests with, Ferrero Rocher.
Everyone left Hebron with much laughter, having had a really great evening. As for the Commander of the score boards, well, Matt was educated at Dinas Powys infants and Murch junior school, so, very kindly St. Andrews have offered him additional tuition on his arithmetic.
A big thank you to all who helped to make the evening such a great success and to the schools for allowing Soul in Dinas to do this for them. A special big thank you also goes to Mr Jeff Lacey (General Manager at Hebron Hall) for allowing Soul in Dinas free use of the excellent facilities at Hebron, thereby helping to make the evening the tremendous success it was.
Tuesday, 15 June 2010

As most of you will know, amongst many of the things U.C.B. provide are the daily reading notes called "The word for today". Did you know that if you go onto the website http://www.ucb.co.uk/ and click on The word for today you can arrange to have the daily reading sent to you each morning by e-mail.
Did you also know that U.C.B. also have a series of daily reading notes supplying Christian messages of help and prayer through a series of daily reading booklets called "The Overcoming Series". This selection of twelve booklets contain two months of daily readings that speak into issues such as : "Debt & Finance", "Grief & Loss", "Anger & Resentment", "Addictions", "Unemployment", "Fear", "Family issues", "Discouragement", "Temptation", "Pride" & "Materialism".
These materials are available at the back of church and will be used as part of our outreach in different groups and opportunities. If there is anyone that you feel would accept and benefit from one of these booklets then feel free to take one and give it to that person.
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