As part of the Soul in Dinas programme for this year we invited the teachers and school staff from the three local primary schools (St. Andrews primary, Dinas Powys infants & Murch Junior) to an evening meal at Hebron Hall.
The purpose of the invitation was to say thank you to the three schools who both educate and take such good care of the children from this community. We wanted to be able to say that we truly love, value and appreciate everyone who work in the schools; and all that they do to make this village a better place to grow up in and be a part of.
A total of 54 teachers and support staff came along last evening (21st June) all dressed up for fine dining. The wonderful catering staff provided a sumptuous three course meal which was served at table by a highly trained group (Pat's ladies) of servers from the various churches across Dinas Powys.
After the meal there was a bit of fun with a quiz, the picture round for which the teams on each table had been looking at whilst eating and chatting. All the teams did really well in that round, but they all struggled with picture two. Some realising that he looked like a politician (whatever it is that a politician may look like) and so guessed for a half mark that it was the new Secretary of state for Education, (but sorry Mr Gove, nobody got your name). It was thought that one of the teams may have got the name but when the quiz master threatened detention and confiscation of any phones that had been googling, the answer was quickly withdrawn.
The quiz was a lot of fun and got quite competitive, but controversy came at the end as the team which contained the head teachers from all three schools were adjudged to have come last (sorry I mean 7th). It was only after the results were announced that it was discovered that our commander of the score boards Matt Lewis - who regularly goes into the schools to speak in classes, had in fact counted the head teachers scores up incorrectly (He's no Carol Vorderman) losing them 10pts in the process. With the scores amended and the head teachers credibility restored (they eventually came 3rd) the winning team were awarded a big box of what the ambassador likes to spoil his guests with, Ferrero Rocher.
Everyone left Hebron with much laughter, having had a really great evening. As for the Commander of the score boards, well, Matt was educated at Dinas Powys infants and Murch junior school, so, very kindly St. Andrews have offered him additional tuition on his arithmetic.
A big thank you to all who helped to make the evening such a great success and to the schools for allowing Soul in Dinas to do this for them. A special big thank you also goes to Mr Jeff Lacey (General Manager at Hebron Hall) for allowing Soul in Dinas free use of the excellent facilities at Hebron, thereby helping to make the evening the tremendous success it was.