Sunday 13th June - This months "Praise & Prayer" evening will take place at the Cabin, Hebron Hall between 6pm & 7pm. All ages are welcome.
Friday 18th June - Men's BBQ at Bethesda Chapel starting at 6pm with food (£2 donation please) followed by football quiz before settling down to watch England v Algeria in the World cup group stage match. Please let Steve Davies know if you can come so that we can let Bethesda know for numbers.
Monday 21st June - Soul in Dinas will be holding a thank you meal at Hebron Hall for the teachers and staff at the three Primary schools in Dinas Powys. This is an opportunity to thank those who make such a contribution to our community by caring and teaching our little ones each day. If you can help with this event please speak to Brian & Pat West.
Thursday 1st July - CHURCH MEMBERS please note that we will be holding the church AGM at Potters Dining room, Hebron Hall at 7:30pm on Thursday 1st July. Please make every effort to attend, agendas will be distributed shortly.