Monday, 31 May 2010


Group Hug

Karen, Amanda & Dafydd enjoying the afternoon at the Cabin.


Looks to me like Sue is picking off the malteser balls from Geraint's cake. He obviously hasn't noticed yet as he is being distracted by Jon.


Hungry looking guys.

Roger, Mark & Carl wait patiently for their turn to be fed.


Alana finds a way to serve teas and coffees using a cup cake tin, a perfect fit for the cups.


Desserts up!!

Jonathan looks really pleased with his choice of dessert.


Geoff looks really pleased that there is still some of Chris' lovely cake left.


Michelle & Karen help out with the washing up in the kitchen after the meal.


On Sunday 30th May we had the pleasure of spending the day with men from the Victory Outreach homes in Cwmbran, Abertillary & Crumlin.

During the morning the men shared in our morning meeting where we heard many testimonies of how God has transformed these lives in a way that society can never do "from the inside out". Men who just a few weeks ago were addicted to Heroin and other drugs (even one who had only been at Victory Outreach 3-4 days) stood before the church telling how Jesus had turned their lives around.

After the meeting we all adjourned to Hebron Hall where we had a superb lunch together and an opportunity to spend more time with the group (Photos attached).

This weekend was also our quarterly opportunity to support Victory Outreach with a food donation for their homes. Due to the wonderful support of the fellowship we were able to send the men back home with 3 car boots full of food.

A big well done to all who contributed and those who worked so hard to pull the day together.

Sunday, 30 May 2010


'If God seems far away, who moved?',

If each day we take a step away from God it won’t be long before we look around us and exclaim “Where is he”.

PSALM 73:23 Yet I am always with you; you (God) hold me by my right hand.

The Psalmist knew what it was to have slipped away from God, he describes how even if we envy others, are embittered, grieving, God is always faithful and true. He is our guide in every situation. Like a dad he wants to take hold of us by the hand and lead us in right ways.

If you have let go of his hand, stretch out to him today and let him take hold of you again.

Friday, 28 May 2010

Serving Christ in the Community - Serving the community for Christ.


Thursday 3rd June
- Our "Guide to the Gospels" Bible study evenings continue at Potters Conference room, Hebron Hall (7:30pm) led by Rob Jones. It's not to late to come along and join in. This month's subject is "The Person of Jesus".

This session is the 2nd of 8 sessions in this series.

There will be a break after this session for the Summer break. The third session will take place on Thursday 9th September.

Sunday 13th June - This months "Praise & Prayer" evening will take place at the Cabin, Hebron Hall between 6pm & 7pm. All ages are welcome.


Plans are underway to hold a Baptismal service at Dinas Powys Baptist church sometime this Summer. Names of those asking for Baptism will be announced nearer the date, once fixed.

Anyone who has not yet been baptised but would like to talk further about baptism should have a chat with Steve Davies who will be happy to talk it through with them.


As most of you will know one of our young people, Jade Jordan spent 6 months, between Sept. 2009 & March 2010 with Youth with a Mission (YWAM) on Christian Mission in Australia and Cambodia.

Last night we held a Missions evening at Hebron Hall during which Jade shared all that God did both in and through her during that six months away. Approximately 50 friends and supporters came together to hear Jade talk. During the evening she gave some amazing insights into how God prepared her for the mission field whilst in Australia and how God used her and the rest of the team whilst in Cambodia. It really was a great evening of worship and celebration, full of funny stories and amazing moves of God and yes, as promised, there was cake as well.

If you missed out last night and want to hear more about Jade's experiences then have a chat with Jade at any time.

Short term mission opportunities are vast and varied. Anyone who is sensing that this is something that they feel God may be calling them to consider should speak to Steve Davies who can provide some guidance into the many mission opportunities that exist all over the world (including the UK).

It's never to early to start praying about short term mission as it generally takes a minimum of 12mths to prepare for, even after you identify a specific place and opportunity to apply for.

Wednesday, 26 May 2010


Hello everybody,

This is prayer update number 6! IgniteHope is now over, it was incredible - we thank God for all He did over the weekend. Thank you for standing with us in prayer.

Hundreds of young people came together to deliver over 7000 hours of community kindness, carrying out a huge range of projects from running fun day's to painting someones garden fence - doing it all to be good news in communities across South Wales, radically demonstrating the love of Jesus, it was awesome.

In total we saw over 60 churches come together and we saw enough delegates book in to carry out projects in 27 areas across South Wales, working with Cardiff Council, RCT Council, Vale of Glamorgan Council, South Wales Police, and other community groups.

By the Friday of IgniteHope we still needed over £20,000, since then we have seen this number going down and down - it has been amazing how God has provided, please continue to pray that all the finance will come in!

God provided more than enough adult volunteers, it was amazing to see everyone come together to serve and see Christ glorified.

On all 4 evenings we saw young people introduced to Jesus Christ for the first time! On top of this God opened up so many opportunities and conversations during the projects, we are still hearing good news stories!

Even though is was due to rain quite a lot, God held the rain off (it belted down Sunday night - but that's OK!) so projects were all able to go ahead!

Again, thank you for standing with in prayer to see God's kingdom built here on earth. Greater things are yet to come, greater things are still to be done - we believe that IgniteHope 2010 had a significant impact in the local communities across South Wales. If the passion we saw over this one weekend continues; we should eagerly expect the social landscape to change and communities transformed by young people committing to follow Jesus' example of word and action.

We are excited for what God has in store..

God Bless,

The IgniteHope team.

Monday, 24 May 2010


Thursday 27th May - Missions Evening at Potters Conference room, Hebron Hall (7:30pm) where Jade Jordan will be sharing some of her experiences whilst in Australia and Cambodia with YWAM. It will be an evening of praise and celebration as Jade shares what God is doing in Cambodia. There will be cake as well.

Sunday 30th May - Victory Outreach will be with us at the morning service sharing testimonies of how God has turned lives around. We will also be having a collection of foodstuffs for the Victory outreach group to take back to the home in Cwmbran (More information on Victory Outreach blog posting page). We will also be having a fellowship lunch at the Cabin, Hebron Hall after the service, all welcome.

Monday 21st June - Soul in Dinas will be holding a thank you meal at Hebron Hall for the teachers and staff at the three Primary schools in Dinas Powys. This is an opportunity to thank those who make such a contribution to our community by caring and teaching our little ones each day. If you can help with this event please speak to Brian & Pat West.


Did you know that the combined growth of all the hairs on the average human head is about 30m (100ft) in a day, or 11km (7 miles) in a year.

The Bible says that God loves you so much that he knows every part of you and rejoices.

Matthew 10:30 Even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010


Plans are underway for a children's fun week in the open air on Caerleon Road estate each morning between Monday 26th & Friday 30th July.

If you are able to help with the preparations for the week or are available to help on any of the days during the week then please speak to Jane Drake or Amanda Coop.

Friday, 14 May 2010


The first of our new monthly Bible study evenings took place last night (Thursday 13th May 2010) at Potters conference room, Hebron Hall. Rob Jones led us in an overview of all four Gospels, how and when they were written, what audience they were written for and how they all fit together. It was a whistle stop tour in the time allowed but provided a great foundation to build upon in the monthly sessions yet to come.

If you missed the first session but would like to come next time then I would strongly recommend that you get a copy of the notes from Tony Hall, which are really detailed and most helpful.

Next month's session is entitled "The Person of Jesus" and will take place at Hebron Hall on Thursday 3rd June starting at 7:30pm.


In the picture above Mark Hickey is sitting back and smiling. I have him saying "Well I never knew that", or was he saying something else. Let me have suggestions on an e-mail to remember keep them decent. There will be a prize for the funniest one chosen by the editor. Closing Date for entries is Monday 31st May 2010.

Thursday, 13 May 2010


Last weekend (Fri 7th - Sun 9th May) St. Peters church in Wales, Dinas Powys held an open Church weekend.

During the Friday children from the local schools (Primary & Comprehensive) came along to the church and were shown around.

On Saturday and Sunday the church was open to the public and a large number of visitors popped in for a look around
There were various displays of different activities within the church including a display showing the work of Soul in Dinas in the community.

Pictured above are Julie Morgan & Jane Drake, both wearing their Soul in Dinas T-Shirts. They were on hand to tell people all about the activities that Soul in Dinas are involved in and how the churches work together to support acts of kindness across the community.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010


As the Victory Outreach team are with us on Sunday 30th May we have decided to have a fellowship lunch at The Cabin, Hebron Hall.

We did this a couple of years ago when the men were with us. It was a great opportunity to chat further with them and it was apparent (after 3rd's and 4th's) that the lads really enjoyed the food as well as the fellowship.

Rachel Long & Georgina Davies are sorting out the main course's but if you would like to contribute something to the meal then give them a ring and they will let you know what else is needed.

Don't forget that we are also going to make a food bank offering for the team to take back with them to their home in Cwmbran. Details of things that they would like is available on an earlier blog. Rachel is already taking items from people in advance of the day so give her a ring if you have something for her or what to check anything out.

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Don't forget that Rob Jones is with us this Thursday evening (13th May) at Potters Conference room, Hebron Hall with the first in this new series of Interactive study teaching. The evening starts at 7:30pm.

This month's study is entitled "The purpose of the Gospels" and will provide an overview going into these once a month sessions between now and next March.

The course evening dates are :

3rd June 2010
9th September 2010
14th October 2010
11th November 2010
13th January 2011
10th February 2011
10th March 2011

Sunday, 9 May 2010


Matthew Churchill finds room on the van for one more item destined for the Sully tip.

After breakfast at Bethesda Chapel last Saturday (8th May) a group from DPBC were able to help Jenny Cooper to clear out unwanted stuff from her garden shed and take it down to the tip.

Galatians 6:10 "Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers".


Saturday morning (8th May) Men from DPBC and Bethesda chapel came together for breakfast. Afterwards they heard from Dr Monty White who gave a scientist's perspective on "Creation & Evolution"

Plans are being made for a men's evening during the Football World Cup matches in June, possibly England's opening game against U.S.A. on Friday 12th June. Watch this blog for more information.

Friday, 7 May 2010

A C T I O N W E E K,


Get out your Diaries.

The Soul in Dinas action week starts on Monday 23rd August with a prayer day at Bethesda Chapel.

The Teams will set out on Tuesday morning 24th August working through to Saturday 28th.

We finish the week with an open air service at Caerleon Road on Sunday afternoon 29th August.

There will be some opportunities for those who are at work during the daytime to be involved in evening action teams on the Wednesday & Thursday evenings.

Soul in Dinas needs your help again this year to reach out with the love of Christ in practical ways across this community.
Soul in Dinas has been very active during the winter months. Last Christmas we were able to supply 170 Christmas Stockings to people who were on their own over the Christmas period. For this we targeted those living in the sheltered housing areas of Dinas Powys (Fairoaks, Vale court, Hanover court & Kings Court) In addition to this, both for the content and the sentiment behind the gift, which was to show Gods love at Christmas and remind those folk that they are loved, appreciated, valued and an important part of the community we share together.

In February Soul in Dinas joined with Fairtrade Dinas Powys to support Fairtrade fortnight. In conjunction with the local Fairtrade group we held a “Mad Hatters Tea Party” at Youlden house where those who attended were served tea and toast and made hats for display at the main Fairtrade event the following weekend.

Planning for more events this summer is already underway. Prayer and planning evenings take place each week at Bethesda chapel between 6pm & 7pm. All are welcome to come along and be involved as we seek God’s path for reaching out into the community this year.

Current planning involves a “Thank You” meal for all the primary school teachers and staff in our three local schools, just to say thank you for all that they contribute to the community and in appreciation of the care and guidance they provide to the children of this village.

This event will take place at Hebron Hall during the evening of Monday 21st June, if you can help speak with Pat West. We would like to say a big thank you to Jeff Lacey, General Manager at Hebron Hall for allowing us free use of the facilities again this year.

On Wednesday 18th August between 2pm & 4:30pm there will be a Tea Dance. This event also took place last year and it was great seeing young people mingling and having great fun with the older generation in our village.

The Soul in Dinas action week is due to take place during the week beginning Monday 23rd August. There will be opportunities to be involved in teams working in all sorts of community work projects both in the daytime and in the evening. As well as our own local youngsters, we hope to attract young people from outside Dinas Powys to join us in the daytime. There will also be opportunities for those who are at work during the day to be involved in a team in the evenings.

During that week we are also hoping to hold an evangelistic outreach event at the local Skatepark and will include a gospel presentation.

The Soul in Dinas Action week will conclude on Sunday 29th August with an outdoor evangelistic service (with a guest speaker) on Caerleon Road, starting at 3pm.

Plans are also underway for Soul in Dinas to help in a major bulb planting exercise across Dinas Powys during the autumn (October) half term this year thereby helping ensure that we see lots of beautiful flowers all over the village in spring 2011.

Your help is needed if any and all of the above plans are to come about. Keep an eye out for more news as it comes through and please do get involved as much as you can. Remember, Soul in Dinas is for all ages of Christian people within the churches of Dinas Powys to come together and show the love of God to the community all around us.
"Serving Christ in the Community, Serving the Community for Christ".

Hello, my brothers and sisters in Christ. Cast your minds back to our Harvest Service last year, remember the delicious soup and bread? Do you also remember the abundance of food, toiletries and cleaning products that were collected and then donated to the always encouraging Victory Outreach team.

Maurice Jones [administrator] wrote a wonderful letter thanking all involved [that's you!!] expressing how many '' tears of joy and happiness'' were shared after being shown such generosity.

Dinas Powys Baptist Church has committed to providing food parcels to the Victory Outreach team on a quarterly basis. The first will be given when the team come back to share their testimonies and God's amazing Grace on Sunday 30 May 2010.

It would be wonderful if we gave twice as much as last time for them to take home. Please have a look at the list overleaf. The young men and women are so genuinely grateful for everything they receive, so let's come together to show them how much God loves them.

'' A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor'', Proverbs 22 verse 9.

To God be all the Glory,

God bless you all,

Rachel L

These are items that are desperately needed all the time. If you are able or know a family member who would like to help, please consider donating the following:

MEAT: Sausages, Bacon, Cooked Meats, Burgers, Hot dogs, Pies, Meatballs in tomato sauce, Chicken, Minced beef.

DAIRY: Buttery spread, Cheese, Milk, Mayonnaise.

FISH: Fish (Frozen), Fish fingers, Tins of tuna.

TINS: Tins of Ham, Tins of sweetcorn, Evaporated milk, Tins of Steak, Tins of Peas, Tins of carrots, Tins of tomato soup, Tins of vegetable soup, Tinned puddings.

GENERAL ITEMS: Potatoes, Sugar, Squash, Pop, Soap powder, Bin bags.

Anything else that you feel that you would like to give as part of this love offering.

Collection for the 'dry' items can start straight away and there will be freezer bags available on Sunday 30 May for the chilled or frozen items. You can either bring the items to church or I can collect during the week.

If you are away from Church that weekend and would still like to help then get in touch during the week before and I will store any cold store donations in readiness for the Sunday.


01446 404875
07793 360000

18 Aeron Close
CF62 7PX



Pastor Ian O'Herlihy, of Belmont Baptist church, is forced to hand over the last of his Caramel bars to wife Rachel. Never mind you never know what you may find when you go litter picking.



Jack gives a big thumbs up to the Free Car wash outside Belmont Baptist Church, Tremorfa during the Ignite Hope 2010 weekend.

Thursday, 6 May 2010



Leigh-Anne shares her testimony with two local men as the team paint the old library at Caerau, Ely during the Ignite Hope weekend.

He had better pay attention, it looks like Leigh-Anne has already caught him twice with her paint brush. Doesn't he know its three stripes and out.



Bob Davies from Bethesda Chapel & Sarah Lee hold on tight as they paint the high bits at the church hall at Manor Way Ely. Bob wants to make a start on the ceiling mural.


Even Michelle has to stretch, as the team paint the walls in the church Hall at Manor Way, Ely on the Saturday afternoon. Still smiling though.


Peter Dewey, helped by Wendy from Tremorfa gives the elder's car a good rinse down.

WATCH OUT WENDY the water is coming your way. Ooops another accident.


Sarah enjoys her "Peters" sausage roll alongside Pastor Ian outside Belmont Baptist church, Tremorfa, Cardiff.

During the Bank Holiday weekend Friday 30th April and Monday 3rd May, more than 20 of our young people (and not so young)were part of approximately 500 delegates at the "Ignite Hope 2010" event. The event which was based at Sophia Gardens, Cardiff sought to serve Christ in the community alongside churches all over South Wales.

One team, led by Jon and Deborah Davis spent the weekend working alongside Belmont Baptist church, Tremorfa. Whilst another team led by Jon & Hannah Davies (notice the different spelling)were active with a church in Ely. Two others from DPBC (Jane & Jade) were part of a team coming alongside and showing Jesus' love to Muslims in the Cardiff Bay area.

All the delegates were involved in a variety of different activities which included, car washing, litter picking, gardening, painting, running children clubs, Fun day events, showing God's love in both the practical and the spiritual (words & deeds).

During each of the evenings there were worship celebration events held back at Sophia Gardens. One of the highlights for our group was to see Alana's boyfriend Dafydd Griffiths respond to the message that Mike Pilavachi brought and go forward with about 20 others to receive Christ. That was on the Saturday evening and anyone who was in church at St. Cyres the following morning would have heard Daffydd share his testimony of Salvation with the church family there.

God was not finished with members of the DPBC group and the following evening Sammi Dean also responded to the message and went forward to give her heart to Jesus.

As well as the delegates there were many others from DPBC involved as helpers during the weekend, serving as drivers, stewards, catering, base helpers & organisers. Everyone finished the weekend on their knees physically but floating spiritually at what God had done during the weekend.

Praise God for those who responded to the message during the weekend but please remember to keep praying that the seed sown across South Wales will bear fruit at the right time as God's Spirit moves in the lives of those that they teams came into contact with.

I have added some more pictures on the next page to show of the things delegates got up to during the weekend.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010


People in the church are responding to the call of God in their lives in new and fresh ways. Recently three of our ladies have individually recognised God's call to them to serve Jesus in the community by being involved in the Cardiff Street Pastors scheme. Rachel Long & Leigh-Anne Davies signed up to be Street Pastors while Christine Holmes has signed up to join the Street Pastor base team. All three ladies are therefore now working one night each month (Friday or Saturday) between 9pm & 4am when along with other Christians they patrol the streets of Cardiff, caring for those who need help and showing God's love in both practical and Spiritual ways.

On Saturday 24th April 2010, at a special Commissioning service,having completed the first part of their training, Rachel & Leigh-Anne were formally commissioned to serve Jesus as part of the Cardiff Street Pastor scheme. Present during the service was Temp Assistant Chief Constable Josh Jones, who praised the work done by Street Pastors and assured the new Street Pastors of the full support that already exists between the Police and the church as together they seek to help those who get into difficulty late at night on the street of Cardiff.

Rachel went straight from the Commissioning service to join her team on patrol but was so excited after she got home at 5am the following morning that she still came to church that morning buzzing with the things that happened during the night before. She was just so amazed at the responses that she received from those she interacted with during the night, by the desire to be prayed with and the needs that she saw as people just expressed their search for and need for love in their lives.

Please pray for Rachel, Leigh-Anne and Christine as they follow Jesus in this new Mission opportunity.

A warm welcome to our first church blog. Communication is always one of those difficult things to keep on top of in church life. Church meetings only take place 3-4 times a year, Sunday newsletters and morning services do not give us enough time to share in detail what is going on, so unless you are specifically involved in the planning of any particular event you can easily miss out or be largely unaware of the different things that go on day by day in the life of the church and the community.


1. Increase your awareness of those things that are being planned in our church.

2. Let you know when events are due to take place in the near future.

3. Reports and photos of activities that have taken place recently involving people from church.

4. If you want to know who is preaching, or if you have forgotten when you are next covering welcome, Teas or GY2K then you will find the current lists on the blog.

5. We want to make you aware of other Christian events happening in the area.

6. Keep you up to date about activities involving groups that we have links to in the life of the church, Care for the family, Victory Outreach, Alpha, Hope to Ghana, Compassion, B.M.S. etc

We realise that these things will only be of use and interest to you if you can expect to find something new each week when you access the site. With this in mind we will guarantee that there will be some new entries every week. Over 85% of the church family here at Dinas Powys Baptist church have access to the Internet. That means that we still need to provide other means of communication for those who do not have this access. But this also means that there are a lot of us who can find out current and up to date information about the life of the church via the blog if we will keep it up to date and if we all make it a habit to book in and check it out just once a week.

