Thursday 27th May - Missions Evening at Potters Conference room, Hebron Hall (7:30pm) where Jade Jordan will be sharing some of her experiences whilst in Australia and Cambodia with YWAM. It will be an evening of praise and celebration as Jade shares what God is doing in Cambodia. There will be cake as well.
Sunday 30th May - Victory Outreach will be with us at the morning service sharing testimonies of how God has turned lives around. We will also be having a collection of foodstuffs for the Victory outreach group to take back to the home in Cwmbran (More information on Victory Outreach blog posting page). We will also be having a fellowship lunch at the Cabin, Hebron Hall after the service, all welcome.
Monday 21st June - Soul in Dinas will be holding a thank you meal at Hebron Hall for the teachers and staff at the three Primary schools in Dinas Powys. This is an opportunity to thank those who make such a contribution to our community by caring and teaching our little ones each day. If you can help with this event please speak to Brian & Pat West.