Friday, 7 May 2010

Hello, my brothers and sisters in Christ. Cast your minds back to our Harvest Service last year, remember the delicious soup and bread? Do you also remember the abundance of food, toiletries and cleaning products that were collected and then donated to the always encouraging Victory Outreach team.

Maurice Jones [administrator] wrote a wonderful letter thanking all involved [that's you!!] expressing how many '' tears of joy and happiness'' were shared after being shown such generosity.

Dinas Powys Baptist Church has committed to providing food parcels to the Victory Outreach team on a quarterly basis. The first will be given when the team come back to share their testimonies and God's amazing Grace on Sunday 30 May 2010.

It would be wonderful if we gave twice as much as last time for them to take home. Please have a look at the list overleaf. The young men and women are so genuinely grateful for everything they receive, so let's come together to show them how much God loves them.

'' A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor'', Proverbs 22 verse 9.

To God be all the Glory,

God bless you all,

Rachel L

These are items that are desperately needed all the time. If you are able or know a family member who would like to help, please consider donating the following:

MEAT: Sausages, Bacon, Cooked Meats, Burgers, Hot dogs, Pies, Meatballs in tomato sauce, Chicken, Minced beef.

DAIRY: Buttery spread, Cheese, Milk, Mayonnaise.

FISH: Fish (Frozen), Fish fingers, Tins of tuna.

TINS: Tins of Ham, Tins of sweetcorn, Evaporated milk, Tins of Steak, Tins of Peas, Tins of carrots, Tins of tomato soup, Tins of vegetable soup, Tinned puddings.

GENERAL ITEMS: Potatoes, Sugar, Squash, Pop, Soap powder, Bin bags.

Anything else that you feel that you would like to give as part of this love offering.

Collection for the 'dry' items can start straight away and there will be freezer bags available on Sunday 30 May for the chilled or frozen items. You can either bring the items to church or I can collect during the week.

If you are away from Church that weekend and would still like to help then get in touch during the week before and I will store any cold store donations in readiness for the Sunday.


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07793 360000

18 Aeron Close
CF62 7PX