Hello everybody,
This is prayer update number 6! IgniteHope is now over, it was incredible - we thank God for all He did over the weekend. Thank you for standing with us in prayer.
Hundreds of young people came together to deliver over 7000 hours of community kindness, carrying out a huge range of projects from running fun day's to painting someones garden fence - doing it all to be good news in communities across South Wales, radically demonstrating the love of Jesus, it was awesome.
In total we saw over 60 churches come together and we saw enough delegates book in to carry out projects in 27 areas across South Wales, working with Cardiff Council, RCT Council, Vale of Glamorgan Council, South Wales Police, and other community groups.
By the Friday of IgniteHope we still needed over £20,000, since then we have seen this number going down and down - it has been amazing how God has provided, please continue to pray that all the finance will come in!
God provided more than enough adult volunteers, it was amazing to see everyone come together to serve and see Christ glorified.
On all 4 evenings we saw young people introduced to Jesus Christ for the first time! On top of this God opened up so many opportunities and conversations during the projects, we are still hearing good news stories!
Even though is was due to rain quite a lot, God held the rain off (it belted down Sunday night - but that's OK!) so projects were all able to go ahead!
Again, thank you for standing with in prayer to see God's kingdom built here on earth. Greater things are yet to come, greater things are still to be done - we believe that IgniteHope 2010 had a significant impact in the local communities across South Wales. If the passion we saw over this one weekend continues; we should eagerly expect the social landscape to change and communities transformed by young people committing to follow Jesus' example of word and action.
We are excited for what God has in store..
God Bless,
The IgniteHope team.