In February Soul in Dinas joined with Fairtrade Dinas Powys to support Fairtrade fortnight. In conjunction with the local Fairtrade group we held a “Mad Hatters Tea Party” at Youlden house where those who attended were served tea and toast and made hats for display at the main Fairtrade event the following weekend.
Planning for more events this summer is already underway. Prayer and planning evenings take place each week at Bethesda chapel between 6pm & 7pm. All are welcome to come along and be involved as we seek God’s path for reaching out into the community this year.
Current planning involves a “Thank You” meal for all the primary school teachers and staff in our three local schools, just to say thank you for all that they contribute to the community and in appreciation of the care and guidance they provide to the children of this village.
This event will take place at Hebron Hall during the evening of Monday 21st June, if you can help speak with Pat West. We would like to say a big thank you to Jeff Lacey, General Manager at Hebron Hall for allowing us free use of the facilities again this year.
On Wednesday 18th August between 2pm & 4:30pm there will be a Tea Dance. This event also took place last year and it was great seeing young people mingling and having great fun with the older generation in our village.
The Soul in Dinas action week is due to take place during the week beginning Monday 23rd August. There will be opportunities to be involved in teams working in all sorts of community work projects both in the daytime and in the evening. As well as our own local youngsters, we hope to attract young people from outside Dinas Powys to join us in the daytime. There will also be opportunities for those who are at work during the day to be involved in a team in the evenings.
During that week we are also hoping to hold an evangelistic outreach event at the local Skatepark and will include a gospel presentation.
The Soul in Dinas Action week will conclude on Sunday 29th August with an outdoor evangelistic service (with a guest speaker) on Caerleon Road, starting at 3pm.
Plans are also underway for Soul in Dinas to help in a major bulb planting exercise across Dinas Powys during the autumn (October) half term this year thereby helping ensure that we see lots of beautiful flowers all over the village in spring 2011.
Your help is needed if any and all of the above plans are to come about. Keep an eye out for more news as it comes through and please do get involved as much as you can. Remember, Soul in Dinas is for all ages of Christian people within the churches of Dinas Powys to come together and show the love of God to the community all around us.
"Serving Christ in the Community, Serving the Community for Christ".